Working with Groups

Edit a Group

To add or delete users from a group, select the group and right-click to select the Edit Group option from the displayed menu. Alternatively, you can select Edit on the top of the form. The Group Properties dialog box will be displayed where you can make changes.

Copy a Group

To copy an existing group to a new group, select the source group and then click on Copy on the top of the form. The Group Properties dialog box will be displayed where you can assign a group name and add/delete members.

Delete a Group

To delete a group, select the group and right click to select the Delete Group option from the displayed menu. Alternatively, you can select Delete on the top of the form. The following warning dialog box will be displayed. Select Yes to delete or No to cancel the action.

Really delete this group?  This action cannot be undone.  Yes/No

Search for a Group

You can search for a group by typing a partial string into the Search box in the upper right of the Groups screen. Searching works on either the group name or the description field.

Searching for the string "Rec" brings up the group "AR-Group" which has "Accounts Receivable" as its description.

Primary Group Selection

This menu regulates the visibility of the Primary group dropdown in Argos and Argos Web Viewer. When enabled, this feature gives Argos users access to a dropdown on the home page where they may select a primary group. This is useful when a user belongs to multiple groups, but prefers to specify which group's security rules should be used.

Dropdown that relgulates the visibility of the Primary Group dialog in Argos.